Multi-Storey Car Park Construction by the Industry Leader
As a medium-sized, owner-operated construction company HIB Huber Integral Bau has been synonymous for efficient, innovative car park solutions for over 30 years.
Our portfolio comprises all work phases according to the so-called HOAI, the German remuneration guidelines for structural engineering and architecture. We offer competent, far-sighted design, individual financing advice, complete turn-key construction with our proven building system as well as maintenance, care and, if desired, the complete day-to-day running of the car park.

Welcome to the world of modern parking.
Welcome to HUBER.

Our name is synonymous for our service portfolio::
INTEGRAL stands for our holistic approach because we cover all aspects of MSCP construction. As early as the conception phase we include experts from all different disciplines involved in the creative process. This allows us to draw on well thought-out design fundamentals in all service phases that are crucial for an intelligent, sustainable product.
CONSTRUCTION stands for economic viability and expertise in the construction of composite steel car parks. We combine prefabricated system elements with on-site craftsmanship. As a general contractor we always retain control of all trades and building processes. After completion, we continue to focus on maintaining cooperation in the further life cycle of our product.

We Provide Security
It all begins with an idea. We turn it into a unique concept which focuses on one central thing: maximum customer benefit with highest cost efficiency.
Whether we are looking at an upgrade, a new build or the extension of an existing building: our specialists take all applicable standards and guidelines into consideration and create individual, functional and efficient concepts, which ensure that users, investors and operators benefit in equal measure.
Forward-thinking, asking questions and offering solutions that is our motto!
- Efficiency
- Gain
- Functionality
- Consultation

BIM – Building Information Modelling
Experience makes the difference in architecture and design
In addition to 2D and 3D design, BIM is a new, innovative technology that has found its way into our everyday work; it interactively adds a fourth dimension, i.e. information. It gives us the advantage to obtain transparent, up-to-date, and high-quality project information at any given moment. This increases cost certainty, accuracy of timelines and finally the sustainability of project execution. We therefore benefit from expanding our own HUBER database, so we can revert to our own digitally recorded building data. We optimise the design of MSCPs by taking into consideration important factors at the earliest possible stage thus streamlining construction and operation.
We create digital, three-dimensional building models and can significantly improve our integral design by cooperation and networking. All designers involved in the project can work on the model together and through constant synchronisation mutually benefit from the progress of the model.
The advantage for our customers: many details can be reproduced transparently and deliver information even years after completion. The exchange of consumables such as lamps when looking at maintenance services or project extensions is one such example.
Regardless of all technical means and possibilities it is, however, our individual know-how in MSCP construction, built up over many years, that allows us to assist our customers in the design of their car park as expert consultants. 30 years of industry experience prove that the design is the foundation of the success and longevity of an MSCP.
We can determine whether an extension or adding another storey has already been considered from a structural analysis point of view – a massive cost advantage later. Moreover, utility supply lines can be dimensioned for future expansion. Predrilling in beams and columns can be planned within the scope of initial steel production at the manufacturing plant which saves money later.
Comfort elements also originate in the conceptual design phase. Creating a maximum of parking bays on existing floor plans, customer-specified parking bay width, traffic concepts and ramp systems: we strategically plan all this and more. Only after these issues have been clarified, do we move on to production planning.
Wir denken weiter
- Konzeption
- Systembau
- Qualität
- Langlebigkeit

BIM – Building Information Modelling
Neben der 2D- und 3D-Planung hat mit BIM eine neue, innovative Technologie Einzug in unseren Arbeitsalltag gefunden, die interaktiv quasi eine vierte Dimension – nämlich die Information – hinzufĂĽgt. Wir sehen hier den Vorteil jederzeit auswertbare Projektinformationen transparent, aktuell und von hoher Qualität zu erhalten. Dies erhöht die Kostensicherheit, Termingenauigkeit und letztlich die Nachhaltigkeit der Projektabwicklung. Zunehmend profitieren wir daher vom Ausbau einer eigenen Datenbank, die auf digital erfasste, selbst erarbeitete Gebäudedaten zurĂĽckgreift, um die Planung von Parkhäusern durch frĂĽhestmögliche BerĂĽcksichtigung wichtiger Faktoren zu optimieren und den Bau und Betrieb rationeller zu gestalten. Wir erstellen digitale, dreidimensionale Bauwerksmodelle, die ĂĽber Kombination und Vernetzung eine deutliche Verbesserung unserer integralen Planung bedeuten. Alle involvierten Planer können gemeinsam am Modell arbeiten und durch permanente Synchronisation gegenseitig vom Fortschritt des Modells profitieren.
Was uns in Großbritannien bereits als Standard geläufig ist, nutzen wir auch in Deutschland, um den bestmöglichen Service für unsere Kunden bereit zu stellen.
We think ahead
For us, car park construction does not begin with the ground-breaking ceremony. HUBER stands for integrated solutions which include reliable design, extensive consultations, solid financing as well as the best possible selection of materials and a strong construction system.
- Conception
- System construction
- Quality
- Longevity

We support you with business plans and advise you on property financing
Our composite steel construction method guarantees short construction times, which keeps interim financing times short. We also support you in the economic assessment of the construction project, develop an appropriate business plan and thus create the basis for the project’s success and adequate financing.
Our own MSCPs show that we stand behind our product. Since 2005 HUBER has been investing in car park operations. We have carried out several projects at a variety of locations, both through long-term leasehold contracts and by purchasing the land itself. Since the completion of their construction, we have been operating all of them as independent service providers with our own employees.
- Cost efficiency
- Steady profits
- Professional operation
We build with the future in mind
For this purpose, HUBER has developed a composite steel system that allows short construction times with prefabricated elements. This guarantees a high degree of planning reliability, but at the same time leaves plenty of room for individual ideas. HUBER not only builds system car parks, we also tailor car parks precisely to our customers’ requirements. The flexibility of our system distinguishes us significantly from other suppliers.
In our steel manufacturing plant, the steel beams and columns for our multi-storey car parks are produced according to our specifications. They are then hot dip galvanised and thus protected against corrosion. At the same time, the production of precast concrete elements for the staircases takes place. All system elements are then shipped to the construction site according to exact time schedules to ensure that the specified assembly sequence is accurately adhered to. As soon as the steel frame is erected, the laying of our additive floor system begins. HUBER works with liner sheets which act like lost formwork. The liner sheets are reinforced and then concrete is poured to the exact statically required thickness. This saves on transport costs that would arise if we used heavy-weight prefabricated concrete floor elements - an added aspect of emission reduction. In addition, this system enables us to produce a homogeneous floor surface. After the concrete has properly cured, we protect the surface against the penetration of chlorides by finishing it with an epoxy resin sealant.
All other upstream or downstream trades are carried out under our supervision and coordination. This includes earthworks, shell construction, paving, drainage work, M&E and many more.
In combination with our experience as general contractor we can offer you custom-made solutions – sustainable, efficient and just-in-time.
Of course, we take over the warranty for the entire construction project and accompany you during the further life cycle of the building. Entering a maintenance agreement not only extends the duration of the warranty period, but also serves to ensure the unrestricted use and permanent good quality of the structures during operation. Our cleaning and maintenance services also increase the service life of the car parks.
- Composite steel system
- Warranty
- Energy efficiency
- Sustainability
Individual Façade Design
In any case, the design of the car park itself plays an increasingly major role.
That is why more and more clients invest in the architecture of the building. Quite frequently, the client’s corporate design is adapted and turns the real estate into an eyecatcher while supporting the client’s positive image.
We offer all types of façade elements, such as glass, steel, aluminium, wood, ….
Let us convince you of the multiple available options.
Wir bleiben zusammen
Ein modernes Parkhaus stellt viele Anforderungen an den Betreiber. Die technischen Anlagen müssen gewartet, Personal geschult und Sicherheit und Pflege gewährleistet werden.
HUBER bietet Ihnen die Betreibung Ihres Parkhauses als optionalen Service an – von Personal- und Verwaltungsaufgaben bis hin zur Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs. So sorgen wir mit bedarfsgerechtem Gebäudemanagement für hohe Betriebssicherheit – bei niedrigen Betriebskosten.
Lösungen – made by HUBER
Kompetenz aus Erfahrung
Seit mehr als 12 Jahren betreibt HUBER selbst Parkhäuser. Wir verfügen über eigene Standorte an Kliniken und Krankhäusern, Bahnhöfen und Einkaufszentren. Daher kennen wir uns mit allen Varianten von Bedarfssituationen und den daraus erwachsenden Anforderungen an Team und Technik gründlich aus.
Attraktive Parkpreiskonzepte und Preisentwicklungsstrategien stellen nicht nur die Kunden, sondern auch die Betreiber zufrieden.
Und das Beste: Erfahrungen, die wir mit den eigenen Parkhäusern sammeln fließen regelmäßig in unsere Planungs- und Bauabteilung als Feedback zurück, um bei Produktinnovationen und Produktverbesserungen Berücksichtigung zu finden.
Sie dürfen also sicher sein, dass Sie bei uns in guten Händen sind!
- Personalmanagement
- Verwaltung
- Zahlungsverkehr
- Sicherheit
We stay together
After hand-over of the construction project to the client the warranty period begins. Generally, it lasts four years (German VOB-contracts) or five years (German BGB-contracts). During this time, we remain at your side within the scope of our performance warranty. But this is not all HUBER has to offer.
- Operation of car parks
- 10-year warranty
- Facility management
A modern car park makes many demands on the operator. The technical equipment must be serviced, personnel must be trained, and security and care of the premises must be ensured.
HUBER offers you the operation of your car park as an optional service – from supplying personnel to administrative work to handling of payment transactions. With demand-oriented facility management we ensure high operational security at low operating costs.

Solutions – made by HUBER
Competence through experience
We at HUBER have been operating our own MSCPs since 2006. We run our own car parks in hospital and clinic settings, at train stations and shopping centres. That is why we are highly experienced in dealing with all types of requirements and the resulting demands on team and technology. Attractive pricing strategies satisfy both the customer and the operator.
So, you can be sure that you are in good hands with us!
- Personnel management
- Administration
- Payment transactions
- Security
We maintain relationships
If requested, we can take care of the maintenance of the surface coating of car park floors, building services and parking management equipment so that car park operations will run smoothly for a long time. If a 10-year maintenance agreement is concluded, the warranty period is automatically extended to 10 years. Expert service inspections at regular intervals let you rest assured that your property will retain its value long-term.
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Service
- Care
Cleaning and Care
More Attractive Parking
We offer this service for all coated car parks, even for those that we did not build ourselves. Of course, we also clean asphalt and paved surfaces. Our professional cleaning team is on duty nationwide.
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Service
- Care
Our communication specialists ensure that car park users are always well informed and that advertising space in and around the car park is used in a most efficient way - so that the utilisation rate increases and additional revenue is generated.
- Information
- Advertising space
- Communication
- Interest
Future-oriented, efficient, fast and reliable
HUBER is significantly shaping tomorrow’s mobility today. As a leading player in the field of composite steel car park construction we develop solutions that seamlessly integrate new concepts for urban traffic. HUBER has the future in mind – for a mobile society where people take centre stage.



The best proof of our achievements are satisfied customers – and impressive projects. Even beyond the borders of Germany, investors, builders and architects enjoy working with HUBER time and again and trust in our experience.
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